An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spitzbcrgen. 1 13 are red bcfore thcy are boilcd. Thcir Hcacl is rccoll:u·, confiíting of two parts, with fcveral ,Horns; the wholc Hcad is broac1, at the end foí rhc He:Jcl are the Eycs, which fland out as Crawfiíl1cs do; he doth not look downward~, lmt lhdght beforc, and lidcwards. Thc Scalc (1f hi~ Uack is likc a Hack-piccc of Armour, which al[o bchind thc Hcad, in bis Neck, is fo1r.cwhat hended in, and bchind it, is a Pdcldc. Alicr rhat follow fix Plate;, likc thc Armour for th:: Arms and Lcgc;, ami about ti.e Urims thcre– ot'are fm:i.11 black ft10,~, as if thcy wcrc thc Nailc, ot' tite Armour. Thcfc Platcs I} e cxalHy round 011c upon che othcr. Thc Tail confHteth alfo of fivc parts; whcn he cxpancls it. it is liJ<c the Tail of ·a Bird. He hath two Cla,,¡,•s before, thc furd1~r pan whercof looks fomcwhat Jikc die Phange of a Toorh-drawcr. He hach 1 8 .J .cgs, whcrcof thofc tha t are ncarctt to thc Claws are thc iliortefi. The firft cight Legs llave four Joims, whcrcof thc uppcrmofr is thc lor.¡!,c:ll, am1 thc umJcrmoil thc fhortcfi: Thcy are not hairy at al), Thc ten hindmofl Lcg~, whcreof thc furthcrmo!l are thc longell, and rhc uppcrmofl Joint is much thickea· and {bor• ter, rhan the lo\\'ermot1 long oncs havc but. rwo Joints, the Fcct whereof are fomcwhat hended under, and are haíry. On thcfc hind– mofr and undt!rmoíl Joinrs grow out two 0100cc; hcl<'w, on che rcfi bur one. He !hoots vcry fwiftly along in thc Water. He was as big at, l havc dclincated him, according to the Lile. Thcy areI 1 ood for che llirds., as I have mcntion'cl h·.:forc. JIT