An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 l ~ 1"1.•e /ourth ¡,.1rt o( the VoJ''!_!;L'. l. Of tlie Sea Crawfiíh 11'ith1':tt a 1~,il or 5,. 1 Spidcr. ' · Tbis fort of Cr.irr/iPJ has no T.,iJ, hm f:x h~t and two Claws. Thcy are alío \·ery litt: L::;~. flcrs in thc f~1apc <?Í chcir Bod y. '] "her .:r~ of J ,fark browmfh colour, fomcuth,1t pr:• :-.'.1 l:l thcir Backs, and hairy aII ovcr d1eir P,\'d;. I l1av~ icen many of this kind with fix. Fe.:,.: :i;:J 1 ""'º Claws, iu my Voyagc to ,\pdi».. ,11:hcr-.;)IJ !1avc alfo ma<k a draught in my Voy.1gc uwi Sp.rin, (which J fhaH, God willm~~ om~mur.:, cace to thc Cur iou'.l) but thcy cliffor from the:~ . of S'pit::.ber ... ~t», in rl1cil' Bign1.,;t~ and Ik::d; rks of Sr,i1::..btr!!mhatf1 a Hcacl lilc~a l.d:1~~r, bm thc ~nalc ot" chcm titar I in nw Yn:,·:1g.: 10 ~Pain, madc \'.ll t h its Hcad aml T.,il iu;l r!:~ j}1a pe of a Lutc. l did not a a y <.l t):; Spit::;,/Jer,gen Sea Cran,¡i/b, ncitl1cr _11;1~·.: i tlrawn them ac Spu::.,ber,geu for want ot t1m~, fur I thcught to have thcm brought alon~~ \\';; h ir\, hut thcr wei·c carriccl away by thc {l:.?r,. 1 g\Jt thcm in the E11glifb H.tven, on thc 1 9th of Ju.u, ] aftcrwards faw th\!m in rhc North Sra, mt far from /?i!f!.[~í.d, whcrc wc houbht !1 om rl·~ Hi{gela111l-Fiíl1~rmcn a grcac "f;11 ~ut, in \\~10•: Sromad1 wc tound a Sea Crawhlh tWJ te:1;; · laag whcn its Fcct wcrr.; fprcad ou::. · II. Of the Gan1cls or rra .,·.·n;;. Bctwi~t our f'1·awm aocl thofo of Sp1J_ i,t~.,·.~ i -: no difft:rt;ncc, oniy that tbofo of Spu~ Í; 1 / 1i 3!':
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