An account of several late voyages and discoveries
t :;io Tl:e fouril.1 P art of tl~e ¡;-;JJ,tg~ to him till he is killed. \Vhen they datt tr.c i-·l.11}10on at r~ern~ rhey ~lways_ t~f<c _tire op~or. r l 1i11ty to do 1t whcn he 1s prec1p1tatmg himlij from r!1c kc, or whcn h~ <livcth with ·11¡~ Heaj t1mh:r \V.ncr~ for rhen his Skin is finooth ~M l.'"n.:ndcd, :1nd thcrcfnrc thc Harpoon llrikem ti11ough thc Ski.11 on his flack thc bcucr; b!l whc.n h<.: lycth :lnd tlccrcth his Skin is lo1leaB! wrinltkd, 1~> rhat che H arpoon docs not piercc rhc.: i.kin, but fa 11 s of{ Tite Harpoon for ¡ s~.-:. he,:(, and thc L aunce alfo are {hon, of t~ l.:a~tl1 of eme: íp,rn, or onc and a halL :md an irn:h thick, and thc woodcn Staff thcrcof isabom · frt !,mg; th~ Harpoon for a \V hale is mue~ soo wcak ro picrcc his thick Slüa , )"CI hor!1 o( t h~m an! ve:ry \\•cll rcmpcr'd, :IIK of Güod tongh lron, ancl not nrnch hardcned '\Vhcn thc Se•.: h.:·r /e io; l< ilk d ~ thc,· taf,c !ti. lk:id only ::in,J lean ~tbc rd1, this théy carrp. l,.>·.ird, wherl: thcy C! i. out thc Tccth : t:, I •.l·o p ¡·~:11: o~,c~ b~!enP t 0 thc Owners or J\tk • . , ... · , • ....> .• " 1..::nnr:. ,)1 tnc Slup, b ut thc 1mall 1 ccth are nr. , Uc::.ir1:.:d. I , ·anno~ i,ut mcntion th:~~ \\ ~ wcr. hv a Fici:tlof Ice, \.Vhc r~ fo many ~,,.:-h,,-:;all! tl1,1t i;b.: w~igh~ 0f thcm madc thc It-~ <:f "· ~th thoi;.. \Vat\;!", but w hen rhcy wcrc 1~:mpei (;'.fínro t b! s~a, wc co:.11d hardly í}cp ~lit [ .- · 1- 1".-.., ~· ·. ·.~·1 ··1t ,-º 1~~" 1 1 .. ,-as 1ºt 1··lr.·n r , .• ••.L,. l. . ~~L ...• l:&:r-• . - • 1 111..;1 , )l ""•"• t • ·•· ·•\"- .. ,.r J;- \"• 0 ..: ,·,T·t "'·i ·te·, mt· h· 1~-¡ ., • w \ . CII, ~ ~ • .... ,.. 4i -· '- -J '-"'• I 1 ' \. "1, c;i I e: ,l!fod t!1is G,·.-·~;;Í::;;d Tradc c,•eq \ .;ar. =~ ccrrnin Trt:th, th:1t once \!.' hcn di~y h:1l : t.<'":~}d ;~rtt;nc cocatch \\Iuk;;, tb:v rm·::..~:•,\:· :~,, .. ... t 1 ···•ts .. ,, • 1 1"~ ., :"'f·s JP,.-1,1 u.'J1ich W~~!~ t ..... . u. ~..J'6 a..u &.-t ~ aY.1• ..:•"' ..., "'• - ·
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