An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spirzb::rgen. 1 1 9 Sfa. Lorjé. \Ve gavc him fomt.: hlow<;, \•1h :ch ~ccook, and chvcd mula V.7arc·r. Whcn tl1cy fcc chcm I re upon t he Ice, or hcar thcm roar, they row wirh rheir Uo,.ts to rltcm, wl1ere thcy lycin grear numhcrs, but I bclic\ 1 c 011c of thcm keeps watch, for J havc f.;vcral times obforved thac onc of chcm did tlnkc him chat was next fo him with his Tooth, and fo it wcnt on : Wlicn thc)' awake thcy nfo up and trand upan Jhcir fore-foor, look s:c1·ribly, ancl ro;ir, ·arad .ftrike i.vith thcir long Tceth into thc: Ice for madncts, and lo draw thr!mfdvcsalong by thc help thcreof, whcn thcy run a-pace, 0 1· dimh Úpon che lec, as thc Se~!n do. Thcir greatdi: itrcngth lycth in thcir Hcad, ancl thcir Skin is rhickcfl about thc Ncck, it is chickct· than that 9ían Elk, ancl it is alfo a rrcat dcal firmcr; whcreforc if thcy were drcffe<l Jikc an Ellc's Skin, they would ferve inftcad of thc bcft Buff– coat. Wben great multirndcs c,f them Jye up. en a fhcct of Ice, and thcy do awa ke and fling ~hemíclves into thc Sea, you muü keep off your Eoatat a diílancc from thc Ice, until thc grca~ ~erpartofthcmare got off, for elfo thcy. would jump into thc lloat to you, and overfct it , whcrcof many Inftanccs havc bcen; thcn che Huponicr runs afcer thcm on che I<:e, or he iarc·, his Harpon ouc of thc Boac at thc Sea.. lor¡,·, who runs on a littlc until he is cired, thcn thc Men draw on che Ropcor Line again, and fetch tum to che lloat, where he begins ro refill r.o l1i,; urmo!t, biting and jumping out of thc Wzter, and thc Harponier runs his Launce in- 1 4 t.O