An account of several late voyages and discoveries
í. ~ 8 '71.,c {ourth Pt1rt of the Vu}',1r,1.• 'J . .~ wi t h half their 801..iy out of thc \Vatcr, auj cn<k:ivour to µ,~t int0 thc Boat. In fud1 a B,tttlc ;1 Sca-horíe clicl once fl rike with his Tt:eth 01· T;,f!Ns into thc Boat. anrl roct hold ~f ou~· l·!a.rponicr with hi~ long Too1~ bctwccn hts S!urt ancl thc \\"a1fth..1nd of h 3 Drccchcs, fo tlnt thc \Vail1bund brokc, ot!,c:. wifo J,c had uulkd him nudcr \A/atcr. \Yhcn tl~cy ro2r, if thcy are im:tated, thu fhive whid1 flm!l gt:t tmdcrm:.Jth tl1c W:aú, an<l fali a fighring and biting une :inothcrtJ thcy fotd1 Blood. Orhcrs ílri\icto f'"tat hb~m thc ~e,1-horfcs rakcn by the ~'Jen, ihivi11g ~. forc t:ach othci ro gct to che B~ar, biting an r..11afüing with rhcirTccth,and rcaring tcrri~r They ncvcr givc m:cr fo long as one oi d:, i5 ali ve; and if vou are forccd to flv, h;:::auft thcil- unfpeal,1bie number, they will followt Hc.1r till rou lofo tht:m out oí fight, tor t~. cannot follow far, thci, grcat number himlri onc another. This we found by J.Vei/Jrg:11 S:d1~.J.1ergo,, w herc che y got toP.cthcr in g 11umbcr~, and made our .Boat t:ikc in Wa · fo that wc wcn.: forced to fl~e, ye~ t·ht!yÍi Iowcd usas long as we coúld fec thtin, on 1 ::?th dJ}' of J.1~J· \'f'e t~kc them only 1 fo~t Tccch; You foall fcc almolr a humlrcu otchc b~forc ,·ou find onc that hath good Tced1, · fome oí thcm are but finan, othcrs havcbl c.m.·, ánd othc;rs nonc atalJ. 1 fa w onc in thc Engl,jh H.1.'Ven 1yu,g Ge fia:ct of I<.e; at firft we took him to be aSr b~.: \Y<: foumi it was an old, bald., ami mari•. t v•'
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