An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spi.tzbcrgen; 1 I 7 r:.~re of a hard Bone, ahout two foot long, thick ·:t t thc horcom, and Icfs before, fomewhat hcnt n thc 1mddlc, atthe fide ro wards thcir IlcU\' it s fl1c, bue it is round wirhout, and it is cvéry · ·herc covercd over with Sincwc;. The\' turu ·¡lfo /(¡11fe-hi1f tJ and othcr thmgs out of t hi~ Bone. ·l\lhat thcir Food is I cannot cerra inl y ti.!U_, thcy ~ay pcrhaps eat boch. Herbs aml l•!fú; thar r hcy , iarHrrb.1, 1 condudc from hcncc, that rhcir Dnng . Jooks likc Thctt thcv ca t Fi.f!; I judgc, bccautc whcn wccur the Fat off a \V!rni::, : om: of chem did oftcu rakc che Skin with him : :.~ncicr \Varcr, he ciid alfo fliog it up, and catch : _ft ag,l_i~. The JJ:,rgermei/l~r doch ca~ hi~ Dung, ·· .is 1:, j~1d before whcn I wnt of thc Blrds. Thc · ~e.1-/J(}r/és kecp gcncrally about ,')),i;::.bergm, for 'ámo:1g che Icc-hills I fa w none. They Irc u pon . $he Ice~ as I havc alrcady mentioned in thc Firil · .farr, by che 12th of ;11{1 \'CiY naftil;: ,as thc St:,i!eJ • jo grcat numbcrs, and roar motl: terribly. ·1 hcy Uivc with thcir Hcacl undcr thc \Vatcr bdorc.:, . fkc the &,iJes. Thcy Hccp and foorc, no~ only .pon rhc Ice, but alfo in tiw \Vatcr, fo that wc , lake thcm fovcral cimcs for dead onc;. :r Tht·y are vcry ftout and undauntcd Crea- :1urcs, they fland by one ~ nm:hcr as long a~ . ithcy havc Lifc, arnl if any of thcril be wournkd . 1hcr mc1.kc to thc Long-hoa t, no:witbifandin¡; · :tarthe Mcn frril<c, and cut. nnd puíllat them; ..tmt: wíll <livc undt.:r thc \V:atcr near l!ntó d~c .'>, and cut holes rn the:n ,,•tth chrir ·,ire:u T~ech uoder \Varcr; ;rnd othcrc:, •vhbnu: · ~ny foa.r at all makc to che Jfoac, and Í!,\:d i:p < I ~ w :~lt 3._