An account of several late voyages and discoveries
l 1 6 T1Jc fvurtl, Piirt of tbe VoJt~~e Knifo- h:.ifts, Boxcs, &c. ·.rhe ']111l.mda1 maic Button~ for their Cloths of thc orhcr l'ectb. Thci,· M\'.1utb i~ very broad bcforc, like a Bu!, focks, whcreon grow abovc and undcrneithJ fovcral BrilHes that are hollow withtn, andel thc bignef.~ of a Stra w: Oí thefe Brifll~s thc Scamcn make R ings, which they wear on their Jiingcrs for thc Cramp. A~ove thc uppermofr Heard they ha \'C two frmicircular Nr.:rril\ whercout he hlows thc \Varer, likc thl! \~tha!e, yct ·with a l:!fs noifo. Their Eycs are ata ~oc.l diílancc from thc Nofe; they have Eyelidrn otht:l· fourfooted Bea fls have; bis E yes are na, :ura1ly as red as Hlood when he dóth not turo them, and l c;ould fce no difference whcn ther were moved. for thcy alwavs turn thcir fr:ri wben thcy did look l!pon inc, ancl thcn rl~e¡ look much uglier~ tho' :.hcy ;i.rc ncvcr handfom. Thcir Ears are fomcwhat highcr tbnn thc Ey~t. but v::ry m:ar to them, which are likc thofe d rhc Se!tlt,. Thcir Tongue is at lcaft as big m Nca.t's, whcn it is but newly boilcd it may lx caten, but if ic is laid by for two or duce da,~ ic bccomes r.u:.k, likc Train-oyl. Thcir Ked is vcry thick, whcrcfon: h<: ~ocs not . rcad~ rurn his flcad about, and th1s 1s th~ rea ton,,·~ he mrneth his E yes gcner:.d!y. ·1heir T:.i!s4i lhn:-t, füce tho{~ of thc S::J!f. lircm th,.::ir Fldh wc c.:ut no Par, it is 2f tn!Xt rogctb:!r Jikc unro Hog~·t1d11, to whid1~ i·, thc ljkcfl: Their Hc;.irt and Li\·cr wc ll~ cat; tht.!y taílo wt::11 cnm,gh,. chrdly wh~r..:vt ha ve no gn:at v~1 ricty of Difhcs. 'fhcar Yan.~ .... ~ ..
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