An account of several late voyages and discoveries

tQ. Spitz.bcrg~.1. V. Of the Sea-borfo, called l:y fome the Mcrfc. Thc Su-horfe, is not m1likc nnto thc St',1Ít iu thc fh.2pe of thc Uody, only is mnch hi~ger than thc other: He is as bigas an Ox : Thdr Legs are alfo like thofc of thc ~P.tle, for they have ·fivc Claws as wcll on the forc as thc hinder F;:cr, but thcy havc only füort Nails: Thcir Hcad is thickcr, and roundcr, and alfo much Jlrongcr: Their Skin isan inch thick, chicfly ·about the Ncck, covcred "vith fhort Moufe– tolourcc.l Hair, fome rcddiíll, fome grey, fome '.bavc but little Hair, and are mangy, and f u11 :0f Scarrs that are bitrcn, ancl look as if thcy \ \•ere flca'd ; every whcre about their Joints thcir Skin is full ofLines, as the infide of aMan's Hand: Thcy ha ve two grcat a1,d long Tecth in thcir uppcr Jaw-bone, tbat hang down bc– low thcir undl!r Lips, that are about a foot ~nd two foot long, fometimcs they are longer : Thc young oncs have no great Tceth ar aU, but they grow in time as they grow oldct. A 11 ib~ Sea-horfes have two firm long Tecth; yct I have fccn old oncs that had but onc ; it may be that fometime:s thcy loofe them when thcy fighr, or otherwifo thcy may faH out of thcm~ felvcs, for I obferved rhat forne of chem had foul, hollow, rotten Tceth. Thcfc two long Tel.!th are cílecm'd beyond lvory, becaufo t!1ey are fo vcry white, and are dcarer; thcy are clofoand tinn within, and hcavy, but thc Root thcrcof í, hollow. Of their Tcech are mac1e I 1 K!lifo.