An account of several late voyages and discoveries
I 1 4 The /ourth ,p art o{ tbc 1'-or,wc • • •'> out, a ftcr t ?1ey ha ve hccn monalt y wound¡¡ and fl\!a•ff, thcy fiílJ livc, and it h.>ol,sillrJfu thcm tumb)-:! thcmfclvcs about in thcii 0;1 ·1 Blood. Wc had an Examplc of tlHt in !::~ tha t was cight foot long, for w ben he w.i:i tb'd and motl of thc En cut off, notwithlh m:ic¡ all the blows he h-1d had upon his Hca<l anl Nofe, he would fiill foapat us, bite ahour h:ü. and took hold of a flmrt Pipe with his Tc:ti aftcr focha rc!tc, as if nothing ailcd bim. To~ wc run a fhort Pike through bis vcry Hean ai Liver, and thcre ra n out as much Blood ,s. it had bccn a 1.w llock. Thc Matter~ of 1· Ships will nor: fuffor cl1efe nafty doings in t!r. Ships, for it foul-; thcm mighuly. Not on~ t!lis was fo vivacious, but ali the re ll ~m famc, for when wc thought that thcy layd · in our Long-boats, thcy füapt about th fo that wc werc forccd to kill thcm. For Sports-fake l wcnt once along with th upon thc Ice, and run one throngh thc B with my Sword fovcral times, whic.:h he not matter at al1; I fell inco thc Snow up rny Knees, and he barked at me, aml offi to bite me, which I a voidcd, and whl'll 1~ up again I ran after him, and ga\·e him fr\·:r, Wounds more, whích he was not conct.:rn~d_ but ran fwifter than 'I could, and flung h: 1 off from the Ice into thc Sea, and wcr : doi to thc bottom.Tab. P, fec a.
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