An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spirzbergen. I 11 . The biggefi of them chat I have fecn re from five to cight foot long 1 out of which cut fo much fat, that we fillccl half a Harrd th it. He that I have drawn hcre ·was eight t long. Their Fat is about three or fom· gers thick, it covc_rs th~ FJe(h ittfl the in, and we do flea 1t ofr as a Skm :· TJus Fat lds thebeCl Train oyl; rhe Fldhis911itc black. cy have abundance of Blood. as it thcy werC1 ly filled up with it. They ha\'e grcat Livers, ng!i, and Hearts, which we c;at afrer we edrawn out the rankncfs with Water, wc ·1 chcrn, but this D1fh is very !o.ithfom, fo t I rnuld not cat it, it tafied fo of Traiu– J. He hath a bundancc of Guts, whid1 are y fmaJI : I found no Far wichin thcm; th~ir rrs of gcnerarion is a hard Done, hke unro t ofa Dog, ahout a fpan long, covcrcd wich ews ; fome wcre hardly fo long as your litrb ger, and yct thcy wcrc not young oncs thcr. Thc Crrllal of their E~·c is nor of the e colour alwa~·s, for fi.>1ne wérc likc a Cry- 1, ochers whicc, orhcrs yt:Ho1.;.ifli, othcrs difh; thcy íirc biggcr than a !-'ca; if onc wiU p thcm he mu{t lc:t them dry gemly, or onc y wrap them in Linncn ltdgs, ami fo thcm in a muiít place, for elfo 1hcy fiy or ck to pieccs. · I am informcrl, tha e when y i:ouplc t;1ey are vr.ry ficrcc, fo thar a Man ·s noc cornc nt:ar -thcm upon thc Ice, thcn hring rhc:r Lm::: :.,o:-,ts n~ar the Ir.e, ami in rhctn ou: of th~ Honts, Tht!y du not icl,·:y A, e ,~·ht-'•J ,.h~ Plr.t1,d . ,: -:: !1...,,.. 1} ·111 nm .... ··: ......... ,. , ........ ;, .................. . l