An account of several late voyages and discoveries

10 Spitzberg,n. 1 1 1 white fpots, fome yellow, fome grey, 3nd red: Their Teeth are filarpe Jike a Dogs, ewith he can bite off a Stick as thick as Arm : On their Tocs they have bJack, , and fharp Nails or CJaws; their Tail is ; they ~ark likc hoarfe Dogs; their Jitdc oung ones mew like Cats ; they go lame d; they can climb upon the high Ice, n I faw them fleep, chiel1y. wben the 1bined~ wherein they take great p1eafure, wben it is ftormy weatber tbey muft march leave it, for the Waves of the Sea beat great violence againft it, as if it were lt llocb, as I have mendoned already in apter of Ice. efaw moft of them upc,n the Ice about ell ftde near to the ftioar, wbere there an incredible number of tbem, that if the r of a Ship fhould not catch Whales , .. b, they might lade their Sbip with Sei1/e1 ; and we have Examples that little Ships t.1ken their Lading only of them, but it is troublefome to flea them : Nor ar~ they alike Fat at the time when we arrive Spin.berge11 we fce but a fow of thcm, but of them there is plenty of Sea.. hrof es. many Seales are fcen, that is not a good to catch lflhale1 in. lt feemeth as if they bot very Jittle for the J·Vi,alc to live up- hecaufc tbere is fo great a number of rhem. feed upan fmall Fifbcs, as far as I could · and ; we cut open fe,·eral of them, and found