An account of several late voyages and discoveries
1 1 o D, Fo,,rtb p11,t of the PoJagt Coflins that are opened. They al fo t'.lt Bi and Eggs. We kill them with Ouns, or other way we can. We caught three of 1 one whereof ldrew afrer the Life, on 1he 1 of 1•'1· What becomcth of thefe &..-1 and Foxc 1 ' the Winter-time I do not know, in 1heSu they have in fome places, for a few M · Provifior,. enough, but in thc Winrer; the R.ocks aod Bilis are covered with s there is but ver:, little to be bad for them; being it is fuppofed tbat the Deer {by alfo ali Winter long, 1 belicvc that thefe Beafis the fame. Tal,. O. fee ,. IV. O/ the Sea•dogs, ~a//eJ. l\ubbs ,11,d Se 1 bave {Ull two more Bcafts to defcribe, Iive as well in the Water as on the Land · Ice, and they have alfo on their Feet five O like Fingers, that are joined .together witb thick Skin, like unto the Feet of a Goofe: moll known of thefe is the 8e.J,, which alfo call SJJJoa and R,d,l,e, in the G Lan~uage ; the Head tbereof is lite ~ Dog s Head, with cropt Ears: fheir are not ar all alike, for fome are rouoder, others looger or leaner: b~ hatb a Beard bis Mouth, and Hair on the Nofe and the E lids, yet fcldom above Four : tbe Eyes :ue large, hollow, and very clear: their Skín grown ovcr with íhort Hair : thcy are of fi ral colours, f potted like Tygers, fome are bl. VI
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