An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to8 Tbe FoHrth P11rt of the PoJ11ge Their Hair is long, and as foft as Wool; 1 · Nofe and Mouth are b1ack before, and 1 Talons alfo black: Thc fat of their Fcet ted out, is ufed for pain of the Limbs · itis fo given to Women in Travail, to br¡'nga rhe Child; it caufeth alfo a pler.tiful Sw• The faid Fat is very fpongy, and feels foft ; it i5 beft to try it up there prefently: {hove to keep it until I 1boald come home, it grew fowl, rancid, and ftinking. J be[ it woald be very good to try ir up with O· root, for then it would remain th~ longer; and finell weH. The oth~r i:; like Suet when it is rryed up, becometb rhin like -r_ain-oyl, or rhe of Wbales: But this is not to be compa:cJ the other for Vertoe and Goodnefs, ir h ot u(cd in Lamps, wbere ir does not fiink mt1cb as the Train-oyl: The Skippers meí out thc'"e., and bring ir home with them to it for Train oyl. Their Flefh is whitilh Fat., 1ike that of a Shetp, but 1 <lid norcart try how it tafied, for I was :ifnid that f.lair would rurn grey before its lime, for Seamcn are of opinion, tbat if they eat of it makes their Hair grey. They fuck!e Y oung with their Milk, which is very and fat, as I obfcrved, when we cut op ao fuckling She one. They fay our Bears haw very foft Head. but I f~und the contrary thefe at Spitzberge11, for· we fttuck them large and thick Cudgels, upon their H with fuch blows that wo~ld have knock'd d 3
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