An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spit~rgen, 107 They go not at ali into the Water ; we were ting one of them in the SoNth Haven, and furrounded him with ·rwenty Men, the ater was on one fide of him, and we endea- red ro drive him into it, but he would not, jump·d through one Man's Legs, and ron up o the Mountains, where we could not fo). him. The Ships Crew inform'd me, that when he ungry he Hes down as if he was dead, until Birds ff y to him to eat him, which by that khe catchcs and ears. aut I believc that this Fable. Tab. O. fee b. 111. O/ 1he White Bear. ~ hefe Bear1 are quite otherwife {baped than e that arc·feen in our €ountrey ; t~y h:ive ng Head like unto a Dog, and a long Neck, they bark Jike Dogs that are hoarfe, and all 'r whole Body is much otherways fhaped n ours. They are flenderer in the Body, .1 gr~at deal f wifter. Their Skins are brought to us, which are comfortable to thofe that travel in the 'nter; they prepare or drefs thc Skios at ttbergen afrer this manner: They heat Saw– ", and trcad thefe Skins in ir, which fucks the Fat, and the Skins become to be dry, r tite fame manner as we ufe to take out s of Fat out of fine Linnen or other Clothes, en we bold it againft the Suo: They are of fame bignefs as ours, gr~at and fmall : . Their
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