An account of several late voyages and discoveries

1 06 Tbe FOIU'th P art of the J'oJage about two inches broad, and aboutafootlo their Ears are long, and Tail very lhort: llf of a greyifh yellowcolour, like an Hart or When thcy fee a Man tbey run away; j¡ (tand füll they ftand alfo~ then you mufi · mediately fire at them if you have a mind hit them. They eat the Herbs and Graís. are evcry where about Spitz.her .. (e11, but a all in the Rtne·field ( or Deers·.field) that its from thence, wherc they'r v~ry p: tifol, and alfo upon the Foreland nearthe ,U Haven. 1 never faw tbem fwim in the W· As I was informed, fome Meo did kill 15 or · of them on the Vogel fang ( Bird·fang) the thercof roafteJ is of a very pleafant tafie : \ killed fome of them prefently, at our firfi val in the Spring, that were very lean ; wh fore we may concludc, that thcy reµiain in barren and coM Countrey of Spitz.bcrgen Winter long, anJ are concented with wbat can get. Sce Tab. O. at a. 11. Of thc Fax. Between our Foxes and thofe of Spitzber there is no great ditference ; one of thcm 1· run by our Ship, very near it, bis Head black aod Body white: They make fucha nci as afar off it founds as if a Man laugh'd. faw them alfo run on the Ice. Their Foodf1 bue íhort there, they li ve upoµ Birds and