An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spitzbergen. J 05 , and abide at tJ¡is place as long as the Sun nes; afterwards, when the Cold begins to reafe, and the ~ights lengthen, .everv one thern returns to its own place again. Whe~ y are going from thence they gather ali to- her, and when they are ali met they fly away. ry kind by themfelves, whicb hath been y often obferved : Whence J conclude they not live in this intolerable cold place in the mter. They reft as well upon the Water as Land, ( and when they fly up they look a- inlr the Wind ) for elfe they would quite be ed in this long Journey. Wbether the Mer,, called Rathfh11r, that does love the Water, performs its Journey in e day, 1 cannot t~ll ; or whether Neceffitv pels him to reft upon the Water. # Which way thofe Birds that bave divided aws on ~heir Feet, as the Snite, the Snow– d, and the Ice- bird, get O\'er the Water, 1 ownot. CH A P. IV. Pf tbe F o~r-f ooted CreatHres· .. l. o¡ the Hart or Deer• .HIS is not very unlike unto the· Ha,,, it hath cloven Feet like it, and its Horns alío like unto a Hart ·· or El~ ; they have or four branches on each fide, which are · · about
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