An account of several late voyages and discoveries

l04 The Fo11rtb P4rt of ,be Voy,ge C H A P. 111. Cf fom~ otber Bird.1 th"t l did 11ot e or delinet1lt. 'AMongfi theíe are the Red Gec,, whicb fhewn unto me as they were flyinl!: are ·Geefe with long L~gs, that Fly in fl there is many of them in Rttjfia, NorrMJ, 111tla11d. Then I faw another Bird Flying fingly broad Feet, a very handfome Bird, called of Ghmt; ít is as big as a Stork, and fame {bape with whitc and Black Feathers; hovers in the Air, and moveth bis Wing1 very little ; when he cqmeth to the Ice he 1 back again. It is a kind ofa Hawk, a11d 1 reafon to believe that he hath a very fuarpfi, for he íboots down from a great height imo Water. They fay, that th~ Brains of this are in great eíleem, but for what I could n learn. · · · He is alfo feen in the Spanifb Sea, and e where in the North Sea, but moU comm he is fecn where they catch Herrings. · 1 was alfo informed, that a Blacl< Crow feen in Spittz.btrgen ; other Birds are not there, except it may be now and then a fi one that firays and fo cometh thirber, a, Crow did. A!! thefe Birds ·come at ce ..,. ti