An account of several late voyages and discoveries

t.o Spitzbergcn~ • 03 ich I conclude, becaufe he ,~ not eafily fhot, will endure a great blow ; nor is it eafie kili him with a Stick at one blow. When fteer themfelves iu the \Vater with theit s they have continually an eye upon their y: yet they mind both tbc Man and their y; but if you have a long Stick, they can– get up fo foon or fwift but you may have low at the'". He is the firtl and commoneft of ali you fee in Greenland ; tbey cry ali ether, and it founds afar otf as if they were s. He walks bue ill µpon the Land and , like a Child that juR: learns to go, but underftands better to fty ; you fee him ays near unto the fürface of the Water, for is very light. Of all the Birds of Prey, 1 ieve, he hath tbe lcaft Meat on him. He ds bis Neíl: high on the Mountains, yet not very high as the Burgermeiflcr, yet it was high for me, 1 could not come at them. Breaít and Legs only are to be eaten, they tough, and tafte frrong of Train-oyl; wheJI will eat them you muft hang them up by Legs, that the Fat of the Wha)es, or the in-oyl, may nm out of them, for two or ,ee days, and that the Wind may blow thro' , and the Frofi pierce them alfo ; then lay them imo frefh Water, that the rank– may be drawn out, afterwards boil ami them in Butter. They are every were feeu e North Sea, as I havc faid befare, ycttbey differing. This that you fee here I did defign ng th~ Ice the firü of J~ne. Tab. N. at ;. '1 4 CH A P.