An account of several late voyages and discoveries

.to~ 7/Je Fou,tb Part <>f the J'úyagc cy, that he Hings up fome fat when he blow! Water out, which the Mallcmm:ks ear. B~ great more, when the Whale is woun f<>Uow thc bJoody tra~k left in the Water thcn they are numberlefs. They alfo oftcn' cover a dead Whale, and fo we get them ~ times without any great troubl~. His Namc is given him, bc:·auíe he is fo or mad ( which the Dutch call Mali) to f• himfeJf to be fo eafily killed, whereunto is the word MHcl{e, which fignifies a Gnatt, caufe they are as numerous as Gnatts ; fo the Name ~l,Uemuck,.e fignifieth as much as Gnatts, or mad Gnaus. They eat fo much of the fat of thc \Vh till they fpew it up again, and tumble t felvcs over and over in the water until thev mit up the Train-oyl, and then they begin eat afrefh, until they grow weary of eati They bite one another, and fighr toget which is verj' good fport, about a piece of 6erccly, ahhough there is ·eoough for them and to fpare. When they are full they reft upon the lec Water. I really believe it is the mo!\ del" ring Bird of all, for he eats till he cm lb nd longer, but falls down. He bites ,·ery h but the Burgerrneifier bites y~t h:mkr, whom he fubmirs himfelf, ancl Jies down bt him to be bit by the Burgermdít er, whk~ does very feverely, yet t he Mal ltmuckt 1 little or nothing óf ir, his Feathers art:: lo rh', w