An account of several late voyages and discoveries

tD SpitzbergC'n. 1 o 1 ' they do not avoid a Storm as our Mews do, rhey t:1ke good and bad togetber, as it hap- s ; ours bend themfclves Jike an Ear of rn with the Wind, which tbc MallemuckSi not : They do not mnch care for diving, when rhey walh themfelves they fit upon Water, and p11t their Wings a-crofs one over other: They fly fingly ; when thcy go to up rhey wabble a greJt way before they can e themfelves upon the Wind, but the tumbs Parrets that have but fmall Wings do it re. When they ran upon rhe Oeck of the p, they could not fly up before they came to bcc where a fiep went down, or from fome antageous rife. They flock in great . num- when we catch Whales, and light down · n the live Whale!i, bite them in their Backs, pick out great pieces of bis Fit, even when is yet alive, and when we cut up the dead a]es, there carne fo many of them about us. t we could not imagine from whence thcy Id ali come, fo that we were forced to kili mwich Sticks and with broad Nets in Frame,, has they ufe in the Tenis- Court, to be rid of m: They are fo bold, that they would not away, althmJgh they fa w us come upon m, bue füffered themfelves to be killed in eat numbers, which we hung opon the Tackle our Ship. But afrer thcy began to be more fhy of ns, d would not fiay fo long•• They flock jn fo at numbers after the Whalcs, rhat many of mare difcov~red by them ; whercfore I fan· H 3 cy, , . . ..