An account of several late voyages and discoveries
100 Tbé Fourth p,r, of ,be J'oyagl XI. O/ tbe Mallemucke. This Bird hath a remarkahle Bill, whid feverally divided : The uppermoft rnn next to the Head oblong and fmall ~-:oft . uoderneath them groweth out as it was a Bm, rhat rifes up, is crooked and ver>· pointed. The under part of the Bill confifts panl four picces, two whereof meet in a poini' gether downwards, the other two gape upw the ,wo undermofi: tbat meet in a poinr, exaOly with the point of the upper Bill. hinder Claw of thc Fcet of rhis Bird is fmaU, of a grey colour, and fo are the Cla ws and the Skin between them. The is fomewhat broad, the Wings arE: longiíh che manner of the Kirmm,. They aren ways of the Carne co)our ; fome are quite which we take to be the oldeft, others are on their Back and Wings, but their Head Belly are white, which are the young This is generally thought, but I am of opi · that this difference of colour proceeds r from a difierence in kind than from a ditfe in ~ge; for the grey ones I only faw aboud hergen, but the grey and white ones, althou have feen fome few of them at Spitzbergcn, we faw abuodance more about the l\'orth · and alfo about Hitland and E11gl,:nd . He like a great Mew, hovcrs near the Waterwi very fmall motion of bis Wings. T
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