An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spitzf1ergcr1~ 9 r, 5 í,ngfy, for fo I faw her ~ilw;1ys in rhc S011th vm. ami in Oiher pl.1ecs 1 wh,~rl' Wt! Wt:&e. de· chd r Ncfl:s are rhey Hy in grcar num~ s; thd e they make of :\,fofs. Om.: c.:.111 hard- dili:érn rhcir F.ggs frurn thdr Ndh, for both themare of :i <lirty white, but the Eg~s h.ive ck lpecks ; they are of rhe bi~nefs ni a Pi- n's Eim; 1 of them at Spitzb,!1·.,;w, :tnd nd rhcrn very good, rhey 1a1tcd likl! rhe win~s Eggs ; the Yotk w:is R.eJ, ard the ire blewífh; they are very íharp-poimcd at end. Sbe defends her Neíl' anú Eggs, and direa:ly at a Man, biting and crring. lt is fame with her as what wc fay of che Lap- g ; (he endeavours ro cfofen<l all thc Mea– , and yet cannot defend her O\vn Ndl. brought about thirty of thcir E!!gs wíth me amburgh, but they were rotun :rnd fiunk. It kind of a Hawk, and throws her kit into the eras ochcr Mews do. am of an opinion, that fhe foe,ls on thclinall Worms, and pcrhaps on Shrimps .1fül wns, for I fonnd no other E'ood they ~oul~I fbot but one fingte BirJ of them llring, ch J did not eat of, be(JULe tht: largl! füot torn it very mnch. his Bird i, quice grey in our Countries, whkh rs much from that of S'pitzber.rten, v-hofe hers are much finer. That here delineaced, lhor, by the Bfrd1 Song in Spitzbcrgen, on 20th of J1111e. See it Tab. N. at b. H , XT,
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