An account of several late voyages and discoveries

98 Th, Fo,utb P4rt of lbt Yoyc1ge That which I havc drawn here was fllot in S,,111h B111 ( in Spi1derge11) on the 18th oí 1 it is markcd with e in theTab, M. X. Of the Kirmew. The Kir111e111 hath a thin fharp·pointed as tled as Blood; fbe fbews very large, e~ ally when fue fi'ands uprigbt, becaufe o long Wings, and Featbers of her Tail, when the Feathers are off, there is no Meat than upon a Sparrow. It is peculiar this Bird to have very fharp pointed W' and its Tail is . longer than that of a Swall and as long as the longeft Feather of the w· Becaufe of thcfe long and fharp-poimed thers in her Wing and Tail, file might properly be called the Swa/low-1J1e1P, but tt commonly called K.ir111ew from its Cry. Claws, as well as the Skin bctween them, ar lled as Blood ; the Nails are black on ali four Claws; the hindmoO: Claw is very lit The Legs are thort and Red : It fhcws l brisk and pcrt when it fiánds upright on Legs. The He3d at the top is Black, r Black Cap ; the fides of the Head are S white, and the whole Body is of a Sil ver Jour, or white enclining to grey ; rhe w: and Tail are white underneath ; one fide ot Feathers oí the Wiogs are black. All 1 differing colours, tcjtether wirh the Blood· Bill, red Legs and Feet make her ,·try bea ful : Her Feathers aré thready or hairy;