An account of several late voyages and discoveries
96 Th, F a,,ttl, p.nt of tbe 1' oyage fharp pointed Wings like the Lumbs. Re keep a great while under Water. He ear 3 the reft, red Shrimps or Prawns, fmall Fifb Worms, and alfo the Sea-fpidcn and Star, for I found fomething in bis Stomach rhat ¡ eth like pieces thereof, but they werl! al digefied. He hath more Flefh opon him than rbe ving Pigeon, and is very good to e,lt. í faw him among the Ice. This whereofl you the draught was íhot at Sch,mre11b1,j Spitzbergcn, on thc 20th day of JHnc, huta wards we got feveral more. In the Tah fee d. IX. O/ the Mountain-Duck. Hitherto we have defcribed the web-fi Birds that have three Claws that are not ded, that I faw and got abom Spitzbergea muíl: now defcribe thofe thac have undi · Feet wirh four Claws, whereof I found forrs, eiz. the Mo11nlain•DHcl(_, Kir111ew, Malle11111&~e. The i\10H11laia-Duck, is a kind of our Dack, or rather wild Goofe, for fbe is of bignefs of a midling Ooofe , and is more li Goofe about the Bill. lt is a very handfi Bird, becaufe of its delicate fpotted Feat They dive under Water as other Ducks The Drake 'hath black and white f potted ~ thers, and the Duck hath Feathers of the tour of a Patridge. The hindmoft Claw · br
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