An account of several late voyages and discoveries
~4 The Fourth P4rt of the Yoy4ge but thrce red Toes on its Fecr, with crooked Claws; it hath fbort rediíh Legs, and a lbort Tail. Sorne of thefe Birds are black ali their body ovcr, ancl fo was that whkh I delineared . ·. bout their Wings, and in the middlc the; a;~ white pyed with b)ack, but underneath rt 1 Wings they are quite whíte ; others are in th! middle of their Wings quite whire ; their Billii red within; the Tongue is alfo red and hollow¡ they cry like young Pigeons, whence they hatt their Name, for they are in nothing elfe lit: them. In their Crops 1 fonnd Shrirnps Prawns, and fmall Théy do noc flie high over the Sea, an their flight is v~ry like the Patriges : They ¿ not flie many togetber as the Lumb,, but ufr all y by pares, and fomedmes one alonc byi felf. They can keep a great while undt r Water wherefore they may be called Diving Pigecn But chiefly when they are purfued by Me or if their Wings be hurt by a Shot, they w'' dive and keep a great while nnder Water; J fometimes they get underneath the Ice, andth: they are fuffocated, they were as nimble J quick under Water (if their Vvings or Fcer 3 not quite fhot off) as we could row wirh ou _Boat. Their Fleíh is good to eat when ,he F :is t.1ken aw~y from it, if afcerwards it be fri1 in Butrer. The fir(t Divin(J Pi treon I <.TOt the 2 1 d oOJ • h ~ D } on the Ice, and afterwards atSpilzbergen , \\' :· rr..
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