An account of several late voyages and discoveries

10 Spitzbergen. 83· His Tail is pretty long and bro1d, like a Lidy's Fan. His Cry is foniewhat lower than the little Kirmew:, as if he did fay Kar, when fhe críes Kir, he fpreads bis Wings and Tail out when he fües, as the Strundjager or Crow doth. He doth not willingly fwim in the Water as the other Birds do, nor <loth he much care for wet– ting bis Feet, bm he fiays rather where it is dry, yet he loves Fifb mightil y ; and fo the roverb that we commonly fay of the Cats is trueof him ; Thc Cat /oves to eat Fijh, hNI does not lo·ue to wet her Feet. l h1ve feen him upon the Ice feed on tbe Dun~of a Sca-horfe, upon whofe Body he will ren while he is alive, as <::rows will do in our ountries. He flieth commonl y a1one by him- elf. but where there is a Prey they flock in reilt numbers. l did delincate them in the thallow Comer ( called íhallow Poi nt) in Spitzberge,z, o·n the 10th. of J,,r,, when we fhot him, he was not ild at ali, fo that t could have knock'd him own wíth the Gun. See Tab. L at a. 11. OJ the Pi,geon. The Pigeo11, or rather the Pigeon·diver, is at- oone of the beamifullelt Birds of Spitzbergm. t is of the bignefsof a Duck, thc Bill is fome• hat long, thin and Charp pointed, at the poi ne he upper Bill is fomewhat crookcd, abouc wo ln<:hes long and hollow wichin. It hath G ., b1.1t