An account of several late voyages and discoveries
S z Tbe F ourt h p,r, of tbe 'Yt>yage them formerly, according to their own Fani; that he that heareth them called by thefe Na may alío know how to find them by them · this Book. Sorne of thefe Birds, as L11mb1, Str,mdjag MaUemNck./, Kirme~,, and tho Meres ca Kut1cgehfen, 1 have alfo feen about F11,~l Scotland and lreland ; and alfo in the jp Seas, nay ~ven upon the Elve by Htt!llb11rg. have heard the Kirn,e~ and K11t¡cgchj cry, there is a difference, as well between the Be: asMen of othcr Count,¡es. · t. O/ 1~e Rathfoer. Firn of the Ra1hfoer { or Alderman in liP, ) for this is the firet of the tbin billed · that have three Claws, and is called fo by Seamen, becaufe he is a very fiatcly aftd h fome Bird, but Jefs than that which they Burgcrmeiflcr ( or Major in Englifl.. ) This Bird hath a tbarp, nilrrow and thin and hath only three Claws or Toes, rhat joined together by a black Skin, but he hath Glaw behind. His Legs are not very long, black, as tbc Eyes are alfo. This Bird is whiter than the Snow, for w you fee him upon the Ice, you may di ftin . him from the Snow; he fhews very beau: wích his whit~ Body, bis black Bill :rnd E black Legs and Fcet, and befides he is ,,ery fhaped.
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