An account of several late voyages and discoveries
80 The F 011r1h pi1rt ofthe Poyagt Sorne flie like unto a Partridge, :, s th,H cal' the Pigeon, others likc ~wallows, as rhe 1.– and Red Geefc, others likc the Mews, ~; klallemucf<.e, Rathjher ancl Strm,dj.t~t'r 01 t like rhe Stor~, 3S the B11rgcrmcijlc,·. ' ' The Birds of Prey are, the n11r,~ermei Ri1thf,cr, Str1mdjagcr,_K11t1cgelf and ,Hi// 011 There is alío a great ditfcrem:e in rheir f J the Birds of Prey are not fo good to e.11 a¡ others, excepc you hang them up by l'heir for fome da ys, that the Trairi Oíl 111 ty run . of chem, and the Air blow through the1u, then you do not tafie the Train Oil fo ítr for elfe it would make you Vomit. The Pigeons, Parrets, Red Gecfc :tnd o, are rhe mofr flefliy, the old Lumbs ha\' e .1 tough and dry Flefh, not to difparage rhe Ro Kirmews and young Lumbs when boiled, the F:it taken away from rhem, anc afmw fryed in Butter; for then one may rn.tke 3 to eat them; but if you fhould ear tlwir F11 wonl~ vomit and diforder the Scom,tch 1 much. Thefe Birds except the Stnmdj. lürmew and Mo11ntain-d11cf{, ali make rhcir 1 upon the high llocks, where they u e fe, from the Foxes and Bears ; but fomt: of t make their Nefis higher than others. They fit in fo great Numbers or Fi•xks t rhe l\ocks, chiefly ar the time when rhey h their Young ones, which is about tht: 1:rner of J,me, and beginning of 111fJ, thar if , fly up. when the Sun lhincth, they íh~~e Gr
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