An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spitzbergen. 7-9 e Son fuincd ar tlut time upon him, whkh ehim look like Gold, fo as it dazled our almofr. He was as bigas a fmall Pigeon. would williogly have deline~ted him, if we Id have catched him. 1 faw but this one of Kind. C H A P. H. Of tbe Broad or Web-fo,ted Birds. HE R. E are fevcral forts of thefe about SpitzlmJc11. Sorne of them have thin ted Bilfs, others h:i t 1 e thick and broad ones. me of the thick bUJed ones have them di• d or parted as the At!aUe 1.W11cftcn ( mad Gnats 11glifh) others have undividcd ones, as thc et fo called. here is alfo a confiderab]e dHference in the sof thefe Birds, for fome of them have , as the A1uHntdfo-d11c4_, J(i,.,:1e11 aG<l Malle• *1: Othcrs ha\•e them not at ali, as the B11r– ei(ler, Rathfhcr, Str1mdj11gcr, l(11tyc,gchfPar· LHmbe, Pigcon, aad che Red Goufe ; no Wa– icks to their Feathers no more than on the ns anJ other Water Fowt, for it runs off cbem, as if they were oited all over. me are Birds of Prey, others not. There adifferencc in their fly ing. Sorne
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