An account of several late voyages and discoveries
76 7/Je F ourtb P ,,,, of the Voyílge About Spitzbergen alfa are fome Cre,it11re, live 011'1 in the Water, and ha'lle no Leg, ( r 011e woHld ta~c their Fins, lhat are abo;il ,· BYeafl for, becttHfe as hereafter fbaU be 1 their }i,11 are joinled /ik_c Legs 11ndernwb Sl{in.) Some /ive ;n thc l 1 Vater, and alfa upon Ice "!Id Land, and havc eithcr two or fa11r H' e wiUhegin witb lhe,n that have treo Leg,, with the Birdr whereoj the 1110ft live ,,pon th~ir and but few of them upon the Ice or Land. C H A P. l. Of Bird1 witb Toe.r or dividul Ftet O F Land-Birds I obferved but one ' Viz. l. Of a Snite. This S11itc which is alfo c.1llcJ rhe Sri runner ( becaufe it kecpeth about che S1rj1 is no bigger than a Lark. lts l;>iH is narrow, thin, and corner'd 1~ all. Our Snites Bilis are at rhe farther broader and roundifh, and cut in with notches like a R.afp to rafp Wood wichal; that the whole upper Jaw and BiJI looketb. aétly like a R.afpe with its handle. OurSn are alfo bigger than thofe of Spitzbcrgen, ori
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