An account of several late voyages and discoveries
7 4 T/Je Third Part of tln Voy.1ge long, and it is vcry lir.e an Horfos Tail on that htre and there it hath fome fm:11! 1 knr Jikc nitty Hair, or fuch as are fplir :lt the en. the \\'hole Plant was brnwner of colour 1~ the formcr, :md its R.oots was fixed unto · former. In thefe Plants were fome redi(h \Vorms wr or fold cd up tike Caterpillers, with ma;iy L They are fi gured Tab. P. at i. The Herb was likeDodder, wherefo r~ic be call'd \i\' ater or llock Silk. AmongH a'.I kons rhat I ha,·e feen in printed Herb.1is, 1 ic comes neareft to that hairy Plant, which lonJ Donat , in his Book of Plams ~rowia¡ bout Vcnfre, calleth in bis fecond Book, .\!, argenlt'fl!' Marim1:r, fimi!is Pl,mu, onl y thisis as white as Sil ver, but rathei- } 0 ellowor bíow Of thefe two Herbs we found great plcnrr the SoHth Htlvcn on the 20th. and :21.ft . of }' Tlwre is another S~J Plant, whkh 1, · Sea-graf, , whereof there is plemy in the Er. 1 Ha'iJcn underneath the ·Water abo"e dght f ]ong. The Leaves werc about two (Jr 1 Fingers broad, of a yellow Colo11r Jike GI. and t: anfparent, endin~ in a blunt µoinc 1 11 top fmomh edged, wichout nicks ar pri,•' every where plain and even, th<.: Lea \·cs g1 from the R.oot round- about it, as it were 0'.1 one hole in the Tab. l it is marked wi th /;. ( The E11d of the Third Ptlrt. TH
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