An account of several late voyages and discoveries
Ir, Spitibergen. 73 Among all rhe Figures that I have freo, I d none liker than that given in the 39th. Book, d the 50th. Chapter of the If11rd1111ifb Her/"11, the Name of Alga }rf.ari,14 Plat1ccro1 porofa, lv 1h1t this is porous or f pongy and white. ·theTrrb. F. it is ~arked with b. Thc Lea ves of the great Rock Herb, are y likc unro a Man's Tongue, it is on eaclt ·borh lides curled, but plain before and not rled, through the middle of ir run two black o:1ks or Ncrves to the Stalk, and on the out– e ot them appcar many black fpots, within black ílroaks, on each fide, tn the middle– ft plain ftroak; the Herb is adorned wiclt JI curies, in the middlc it is quite fmooth to Sulk, on rhe end of the Leaf, next the lk, are two whice firoaks almo!l'. to the die of the Leaf, bending ronnd outwards, they were quite clofec!, they would makc an al. 1'he Leaf i5 above íix FootJ011g, and ye11ow, che Stalk yet lon.ger; the Sralk is round fmooth, of a yellow colour like unboiled w, ncar the Root it is rhicker than at the f, and it ímells of Muífels. · fhe R.oot hath a great many Branches that cfü ided again, and ftick very clofe unto the ckunde rneatb theWater. The whole Plant weth under· Water ·foverat Fathoms : When wayed our Anchor, we putled it up .in great nrity from the Ground: ogether with this Herq we pulled up the ry Phn·t that fiands by it, about fix Foot long,
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