An account of several late voyages and discoveries
7'J. T/Je Tbi,d P art of th.e 'PoJage not whether one may take them for its flow ers. Clofe to theíe there grow other ob\on Leaves that are bollow , and as it W:1S blo·.re up , and fil!'d with \Vind , and ma11y lertt; Bladdcrs round abont clofe to one anoth:r The Leaves that are blown up have nothio~ ¡ them but Wind; for when I pre~d cheni, gether , they gave a little bounce , wheth · thete fmall Bladders have Seeds in them or I cou ld not obferve. The Seamen informed me, That from 1 Seeds of that Plant, the tinall Sea Snails a prpduced , but I am not fatisfied, whetherih. proceed frorn thcfe Bladders , or from Eggs our Snails do. lt mar be afcer the fame maoncr, as wé f. on nu nv f e:i,·cs in our Counrry, Bladders fil!: up \.\':th che S{•eds of Worms or Ctterpiller, yet I dare not atfert it, becaufe I had no o portnnity to fearch narrowly into the m,irter the R.oot groweth out of the Rocks I wher; fore I call it a Rock , it hath fome Fi bers, and is fomecimes rouoJ ; 1 found 1 .. Herb in great plenty , fir(t in the So11th lÍJJ ~ear the Ct1Gf...ery of Harle1;1 , w here we rake the Water; then in the M11.lfel Havcn at Spitz ilergen ; thcn ar Cales in Spai11. When this Herb is dried; it looketh brnwn and b]ackiíh , it gives and groweth wet again wi!en a Somh or Weít Wind blows, be(auí! the S<1lt that penetrates it ; but when the Winl is Eaíl: or North it is fl:iff and dry. , . . . . ; . . Amon;
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