An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spitzbergt'n. 7 ¡ inger, the fize rilío is different, for Come have .ur rhree fingers, and others have more. · The flowtr is ytllow , the Lea\·es of rhe · Jowers are roundi{h , how many, 1 obferl'ed 11ot: The Root is woody , fomewhat thick irh finall ribers , a little ii:aley at thc top, it a!tes dry and afhingent Hke 1ormentiU. · In rhe HerbaJs f could find none liker it, h:m th~t which Lobeli,,,. calleth Fragttria S1l- "iflris minime Vefca ji'veJicrilk , and in the uní- • erfal ljerd,unifb Hl!rbal , in the 70th, Chaptcr f the 17th. Baok , by thc Name of .Frttgaria onfragifara vel non vefi:a , yet it ditfcrs in the lower and Leaf; for the \'eS in my Plant re cut deeper, and the Flower of bis is white. nT.ib. H. it is marked with b. l C H A P. XI. Of tlJe Koc~ fla11t. T :-lis Plant bdongeth ro thofe called >flicr by t he D11tr.hmm, and F11a1s in l.11tin. . lt has a broad tiat Stalk like a Leaf, and yet hm~ fprout out of it many (qt111ly broad tavi:s like ir, as Twigs out of a Tre(: , at thc: op of the Sea lks there are little narrow lon– ilh Leaves, fome have five, others feven of befe, of a yellow Colou r , as the Herb is alío, nd they are traníparent like Glew, 1 know f 4 pot