An account of several late voyages and discoveries

70 The Thirel P4rt of the Voyagt the bottom : l found it in the South Hay, be, hind the Cookery of Harlt111 on tbe 19th. o( 1mn, the 17th of JHIJ. Since I neither faw the Flower nor Seeds and in probability , it wouJd have put toni more Leaves; 1 cannot determine, whethtrú be thc P1rnl.t mínima , whereof Cl"f1it, ~i\·eth :i Cut and Defcription in the Fifth Book of hi ure Plants,in the :20. Chapter;or whethe:r irma¡ be Pfe11rloch,m1'C b11>,:1H of the Hort11s Eichfletenf, which is gh·c.n by Cl1tj1iH, in the ¡21h. Chap1e1 of the before mentioned Book, by the Na · of Anony,,"'Jos C"/11tett flore, and accurately d frribed, and CnvieMrirf.r in his Hort111, gi\'eth ' us under the Name of .Anonymos Pervi"ce fo/i'. ln tht: Ta~. G. it is marked with h. C H A P. X. Pf 11n Herb lrh.! 11 S1rawbtr~y. T His agreeth in its Leaves with the Str berrJ' , for it hath tluee cut Lea ves <'n t end of the Stalks, and its Flowcr hath co monly five Leaves (feldom but four) and · like a Scrawberry Flower, the Stalks are rou and rough, ind fo are the Leaves. . On che Stalks you fee two Leaves one aga1n the other of a differing figure and bigneís .' fo one looketh Hke a Hand , and the otbcr l!ke ·· · · · f rnger