An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spitzbel'gen. 69 ft fremeth, this PJant fbould belon~ unto the bairy or rough Affi11c, and perhaps it may be the third or fourth kind of the hairy Alft"ne , of DodonclH in the Fifrh Book and Tenth Chap– ter of his tirfi Latin Hcrl,,I, if 1he:: Leaves of bis were not cur, as rhefe are not. 1 gather– ¡cd this Plant in the SoHth Haven , on the 1716 ~of 1111¡. See d in Tab. G. C H A P. IX. Of d Pl11nt lik.._e unto PerirPin4fe. T His Plant runneth opon the Ground, and bringeth forth roundifh Leaves by pairs on creepiag Stalks. · The Leaves as I think are Jike thofe of Peri· ink/c , but they are fomewhat rounder, and he largeft of thern are bent in befare. The Stalk is fomewhat knotty and woody. The Flower appearech n.t fir(t, wrapt up ike a Leaf, but after it is r,rown out a little ore , oae m1y fee it to be a flower, it grows ut between the Leaves on the fame St:ilk. · The colour and fh3pe of thefe flowers, 1 ould not at rhat time obferve , becaufe they ere noc yet blown , much lefs could I gather es~ed. , The Lloot is long, Hender, round , woody nd knotcy , it hatb f mall branched Fibers at F 3 the