An account of several late voyages and discoveries

'º Spkzbergen. 6 7 of it amongít the Moíf~s on rhe 16th of J,me. In the Tab. F. it i~ markcd wich ,·, and in the Tab. J. with (l. C H A P. VII. Of a Sna~..weed. T His is a finall S11,1ke·Zl'eed,and 1s found very rardy in Spitz.ber¡,cn ; the undermoít L~aves of this Planr are the biggefi , but they a¡e not above the brcJdth '-°'f ones Nail , they grow iingly on the Sullt·, yl't not above threc of th1:m, except the lowermoft : rhc nearer the Flower, tht fmaller thcy are 1 they have with– in ~ not far frorn thc cc!ge many tmall knobs or fpots anfwcring to the poims of the Leaves, wherein the Vtins or Nerves are terminated, befides the Leaves are not quite pla,n , bue fomewhat rumpled ~lt the brir.·,s. Out of the R.oot f proms forth fometimes !ingle and fome– times double Sta.lks. as you may fee in the Cm, and this by-italk i:1 always fomewhat lower than the chief Stalk. The Flower grows in a clof e Spikc , wíth inany final! Fleíh-coloured Flowers, it was fo finall , that I forgot to tell the Le:wes there.. of: The Seeds were not then come to matU• rity. Thr