An account of several late voyages and discoveries
66 Tlie Se,011d p4:Yt of tbe Voyage perfel\:ion, and it feeded in the Month of J IJ. lt is obfervable, th::it the Lea\'t~S of thi~Ht' have but little lbarpnefs at Spilzbergcn, an<l rher fore it is much weaker than the Scur\'y-gtúi our Countries, fo that we eat it iníl:ead of SJla in Spilzbergen, which we could noc do Scurvy-grafs. My Figure is 1ike that cut, given in · Third Book, and the ~5th. Chapter of theG,. man Hcrbal of l\tlatthio!us. See Tab. 11 at ,z. ----------------·-···- C H A P. VI. Of an Herb li~ Stone•crap. T HisPlant is doubtlefs akind of a Stone-cr but the Leaves are rough or hairy, nor thick, nor fo juky as ours are, neither doth burn or bite, like unto ours. Befare the Flower fnlly appears, it locks li unto that of Efitla; but when it is quite blo and opened, it is of ·a purple Colour, _ and ~– fometimes five, fomctimcs füc, ar.d . 1011ie~1 , 1 have feen nine Ltaves ., the Stamrna ot t Flower I did not tell , n either did I eve r foet Seeds thereof. The Root thereof i:i -.·o::·y ím1I and one Plant grows dofe ro thc o ;be;. :~ found this Herb on the low Lands of th~ Er. lifh Ha,·en. Afterwards we found abundan
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