An account of several late voyages and discoveries

1 to Spitzbergen. C H A P. V. Of Sc,t.r'lly-gr"fa· His Sc11rvy-grafa fonds forth a great many Leaves from ooe Root, that fpre1d them· lves round :ibom it upon the Ground. Thc alk grows ouc of ,he middle of thefe Lea ves, hich i5 l grtat deal lower thao in our Coun– , wích a fcw Leaves underneath the Spronts. he F!owers .uc of four whire Leaves, ·they ow many QÍl the fame Stalk one above tbe her, when one Flower fades, another cometh its rootn when rhe Flower is paíl:; the Seed pears in a longifh Box, as you may f~e in e Figure; w hen on the comrary in ours the d is found in a round one. The Root is 'lite, fomewhat thick and íl:rc:ight, with fome all Fibers below. A grcat quantity of this Plant is found on e llocks, wherc they are not much expofed the E:tfi ané! North Wincls 5 1 found it moíl: the South, E11glijh, and Danifh Havcns, the rth v1as quit1: covered with it in the D,z- lt was the fir(r Herb [ foufül in Spitzberge,1,. ben we Landed the firfr time, ir was fo fmall at_ 1 could hardly di(cern ic to be Scurvy.. aís, bu t afterwards we found jt in its full · i.,~ per..