An account of several late voyages and discoveries

6+ The Tbird p11rt of tbe Yoyage with two inci6ons, and it burns the Ton The Flower is fmall, and hath fix and ~ times feven Leaves. The Seed·veifel is Iike to the former, only it is lefs. Thc Root like that of thc firft, only it hath more Fibe there is alfo a kind of thick fheath rhat roundeth the Stalk, as is alío to be Ít'en in fourth. 1 found this Plant near the firn the Danifh Haven the 16th. of Ju!y. ' third is yet fmaller, but fuller of Leaves, ly they are lefs, and not fo deep cut, altho they ba,,e alfo four lncifions like thc fec in this I did not fiod that difference in Leavcs, between the Iowermoft and thofe are nearer the Flower, it is in the Tab. H ked with c. The Flower is of five white Lea itsSeed-veffel I could not yet fee. Its R.oots fmall Fibers, I found it in the SoHth Haven the Si:xteenth of JHt,; it burns the Tongue, Leaves are thick and juicy. I found in the fame place another Plant, exatHy like to· thefe, only rhe Flo thereof were of a purple Colour, and Lcaves not fo juicy ; wherefore I did not d it. CH A