An account of several late voyages and discoveries
6 ~ The Third P ,,,, of tbe Poyigt with five fmall Chives within, Jike unto Flowers of WaU-pepperor Stone crop. u only the Flowers, for _the See<l was no 1 ripe. The Root is fomewhat thk k anJ fl · with many ftrong and thick Fibers from ftdes of it; it may be refered to the Jeeks. and called fmaJJ indented or ere Houfe-leek, with fcaly Heads. This Plant 1 found in the Dttn;fh Harbour R1y on the 18th. of JHL.,, it is figured in T F. ata. CH A P. IV. Of Crowu-foot. S Ome of thefe Plants are figured in the L G ar: e ande, aod the Tab. H ate, a the Tab. / at d. Theíc four following Plants are ali Cr feet, only difiinguifhcd by their Leaves. The 6rlt and fourth in Tab. G at e, and Tab. J at ti, are very like one anothmi thcir Leaves, whereof they have both forts, the undcrmoft broader, and not fo cut, and the uppermoct fmaller and d divided, yet they differ in this, that the doth not grow fo high, and puts out Leaves out of one and the fame l\oot, but tourth in Tab. J at "' hath but one Ion~ wher
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