An account of several late voyages and discoveries
60 The Tbird P art of the VoyJge about their R.oots, and have bue few or Leaves on their Stalks. Then fhall follow thofe that have fina Leaves on their Stalks; then thofe that h. 1 pairs of Leaves or oppofite ones, afrerw 3 thofe with rhree Leaves, and then conciudew· the imperfeél: Plants. C H A P. 11. I T is a very pretty Herb , and puts fo thick, prickly and fad green Leaves r thofe of Atoes, a brown naked Stalk, a' balf the length of your Finger, whereon h round Heads of FleCh-coloured Flowers Bunches, which are hardly to be difcerned the naked E ye, one Flower clofe above ano and near .to one another Tab. G. marked w· a. Someti!))es two Stalks fboot out of one Pla one bigger than the other. Yet each Stalk two of thefe Bunches of Flowers. 1 could not delineate its Seed for want of ti The l\oot conftfls of many fmall Fibers. We gathered it in plenty on the I 71~. 1•1/, behind the Cookery of Harle111, in 1 running Water.
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