An account of several late voyages and discoveries
A N ACCOUNT Of feveral L A T E tToyages and Di{coveries: l. Sir John N•rbro"gh's Voyage TO T HE s·ouTH-SEA By thé Command of King Charles tl,e Stcond: And his InftrutHons for Setling a Commerct in thofe Pares. With a Dclcript~on oí thc Capes, Harbours, Rivers, Cuftom of the Iohabitants, and Commodities in which they Tradc. 11. Captain J. Tafinan's Difcoveriesl 011 the Coafr of the South Ten·a l11cog11ita. 111. Captain J. J.Yood's Attempt to Difcover a North-Eafi Pafiige to CIIINA. IV. F. Marte11's Obfcrvations made in Green/"11d, and other Northern Countries. . To whu:h are Added, :i t AR GE INTRODUCTION and SUPPLEME~T~ CONTAINJNG Short Abfirads of other Voyagesinto thofe Pan;, and BriefDefcriptions of them. Tht Whole 111:eflrateJ witb ExaEl CH AR 7 S, a11J Curio1t1 FIGURE S. LON DO N, Printed for D. llrioll•~ without Ttmple– B•r, 'J. fto1md in Exc/;4,egt,AIIJ, ir. l1tn71 in Se. P11ul's Church-}·ard, a11d T. Jf/,ml in thc Tmzplt-L'11e. r 7 I ,.
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