An account of several late voyages and discoveries
S6 Jbe Secontl Part of the Voyage Drop, as big as a fingle Sand in thc Phte marked wich A. This is augmented o{ creafed by the Fog, umil it cometh to be ¡¡ unto a Shield or Place with fix corners as el and tranf parent as Glafs, to the!e fix e orne fiicks the Fog like Drops, as B. then ir fre, and fplits afunder, fo that yoa fee the Figure a Star, as C. which yct is frill frozen togethcr umil in time it is quite parted or divided afo der one from the othcr, and rhen you i a Star with fix Poinrs, as D.. which Points a nor yet quite frozen, bccaufe there are ft' hanging fome wet drops betweeo the Poin until at lengrh it aífumes the perfctl Form a Star, wir h Points ferrated at the fides, li' Feroe, on the Points whereof íl:ill bang fo Drops, :is you fee .ar E, w hkh are lofi ar lafl and fo ir is turned into an exaét and perfe Star: And this is the Formacion cf tbe fnow Star, which is feen in the feverefi FrvH fi Jong until at lail it loofeth all its Poinrs. See as to thc many forts of Snow that fall in Spit hergen ~ and in wh,lt Weather I have mad thefe following Obfervations and Diíl:infüon~ Number 1. in the Plate of E. fhewech rhe Snow thar falleth, when ir is tolerable cola and rainy withal, then ir falh like unto f!Dlll R:ófes, Needles and fmall Corns. When ch, cold Weather· doth remit the Snow fallerh 1' Stars, with many points like the Lea ves d Feme. Plate E. Numb. ~. lf it be only a Fog, and it fnowetb much, it looketb as yon fee Numb. 3. ~í it is very cold and windy like ~ . . - ~~
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