An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spitzbergen. ~ ~ lew, Ytllow and R.ed ; which are the rimary Colours of rhe Bow. Concerning thc bignefs rhereof, 1did confi.. er and minded the Bow that I faw in Sp;,~. erge11, and found th,1t it moved aboat wirh the on by Day and by Night, and rhn it appeared uch bigger in the Moming, Evening and at Night, than in the Day-time. I will not menrion the Whirlwinds whicb re unknown in thefe cold Countrie9; that fed to uke up the Water into the Air: But et I wiJl not omic the fmall Whirlwinds, hat pmceed from the high Moantains, from whence the Wind recoils, and fo turneth round bout. We fee farther in Spitzberge11, that the Sea as well as the other Waters, fends fonh a Vapour, when the Cold encreafes, whkh Vapour is umed into Rain in the Air, or into Snow, and ir fmelleth like a Fog or fteaming Water. . lt is likewife an Obfervation there, that when we Cee great Vapours or Fogs in the Air.a and that fuch a Vapour rifeth atmoíl: every moment in a clear Sun-(biny Day, without Wind or other Caufes, the cotd Weather is a– bout to remit: But when the Ai.r is overbur• dened by thefe Vapours, rhe Clouds are diú1- p:1ted, and they laft a great while with con– fiant \Vind. Such Vapours as we fee in the Air, fück to our Cloaths and Hair like Sweat. , Out of thefe fmall v~porous Drops the Snow 1~ firft generated: Firft of ali you fee a fmall E+ Drop,
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