An account of several late voyages and discoveries
' ' • CONTENTS O F T HE I NTRODUCTIO N. N A.vigation1 tow4rt/1 lhe South, from page 6, to p. 15. A, thnfo of Magellan, Drak~, Candifb, Hawkins, Olivert Noort, Sebald de Wert, Spilbergen, Fernlndez Giros, Tafman, Schouten, and Le M.1ire, Brewet, Sharp, and others. Terra Magellanica D_tfcribed, · p. 12 General Occ11rrence1 in the So,,thcrn Navigati- 0111, p. 1 J, 14, I S· Nttvigatitm.r lf'wttrd1 the North fro111 p. , ;, to :i6. As ,h,fe of Zeni,Cabot, Witlooghby, Burrows, ForbHher, Per. Jadcman, Gilbert, Davis, 3l· renes, 1111d Gerart de Veer, Button, Hudfon, 1 Hall, Baffin, Munck, Goodler·s H·intering i~ GrcenlJnd. Obfervr1tion.r on that Co11ntr1,fi'om ' p. 21. to :24. · Obfervatiom and Difi:11verics bJ Captai,t Fox, C,p, tain James Gillam, and others; of the · Nor:h– Ea{i, and North We.fl Paffeges, p. 26, 2¡. Oj Nen, Guinea, Carpentaria, Hollandia No\'1 1 Zetandia Nova. p. :28, What wanted ;,, 011r Englifh NAvigation,, p. 29. A
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