An account of several late voyages and discoveries
to Spitzbergcn. C H A P. IV. Of the Al R.. HE Froft is unconfiant in our Country but it is not fo in Spit~bergen. In the nth of April, at 71. degrees, ic was fo cold t we could hard)y keep warmth within ·us. ey fay that in this Momh, as alfo in Ma7, hardefr frofis happen every year. Ali the R.iggin~, by reafon of its being wett ·overed ovcr with Ice, and fiiff. · They do not fend their Ships fo foon as they a few years ago, an(t yet they come time e– gh there, for if they anive too·early, there nothing for them to do, becaufe the Ice is yet ditlipated, and therefore but few 1Vhales feen . n che two firft Summer Months of Spitzber• , their Teeth chatter in their Heads common• and the Appetite is greater than in any other nrries. he San fets no more after the third day MaJ, and we were aboot 71 degrees, nwe could fee as wtll by Night as by day. nnot fay much of confiancy of the wea– in thefe two firlt Monthsl for it chang– dai! y. They fay alfo, if theMoon appears dy and mifry, with a fireaky Sky, that E then 4.9
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