An account of several late voyages and discoveries

1,8 Th~ See~ntl I""' of tbe Poyage The other Ice, as far as it is above water of a taüe like othcr Ice, but th:1t bclow the ' falt like the Sea-water. When we arrivcd at Spitzbc,.gc11, thc ke Rehenftlt was as yet fixed, bnt a fow days af wards it was driven away by the Winds. The Ice begirts thefo Countries on :ill fid as the Wind fcts either from the ljlan.l of Ma1e11, O/elGreenla11d, and Novtt Zcmbla. found at this time that the Ice reach~d from other fide of Spitzbergen, and the Ships fai betwecn the Ice and the Land, as if it were · R.iver. As foon as this le: is drove thither b, winds, theShips muft giveway, or go int~ Harbour, until the Winds havc blown or d· the Ice away, or elfe they are; but if t be other Ships that efcape, thc Men are fav On this Ice I did not fee man y Sea-R but a great many Se,-Horfes, and many and Fowl. We failed ftill ontill wcfaw theSe11en 1ft but could go no farther. CH