An account of several late voyages and discoveries

41¡- Tbe Ser.ondP ,Jrt of the Yoyage the mifchief is as foon done as in tempefiuo becaufo the Ice drives in the Sea either with Hream or wind, as eicher of them is the prevalent, crathing and grinding againfi e other whence the dangcr arifes to the Ships, h after fuch a manner n1any Ships perilb. ' Plate B. Tht y foy that a de:id 1fhale tied to che Shi is the belr Jefence againít the ke. 0th bang the T ails :md Fins 1bout their Shlp, wh· way is not to be rejelted, for it is of great to them to prevent the danger of the fqueezi of che ke; they have ex~mples, that in fu fqueeziog of the Ice a dead Whale hath prefer them. The Ice rifes out of the Sea as high as Mounrain ; the (hiking of them together m fo great a noife, that one can hardly hear own words; and from this joyning together rhe Ice, thc: great Ice-hills are made, that dri up and •lown in the Sea. Other great Ice fidds are not fo high as Ice hills, yet notwithftanding they are hardl ever quite plain, and without a Hill; you ÍI the Ice un<.ler water as deep as you can fee. is all of a blew colour, but the decper youl the purer blew you fee; which beamiful col changes with thc Air, for if it be rainy weath this colour growerh paler. I alfo have oí feen the Ice underneath the water very gree the occafion w hereof was the troubled A' whence the Sea aífumeth this colour. 1 wo