An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spitzbergen. 43 1walking upon them, becaufe you fall deep to the Snow. ( See A marked w ith /, and B arked c. ) The prints of the I3ear, footing \Ye faw on e {hoar of the Ice- fidds, for they feek theír rey in thc water, which is the dead Carkafes f the IVhales, thc Foxes generatly accompany em, for their choicer food of Birds is here arccr chan at Spitzbergen, for_ they flock not gether, but tly fingly. When rhey fail fome Miles into rhe Ice. here cherc is pretty large lce-fields, they joyn eir Ships to rhem with great Ice-hooks, fafi– ed ro ílrong Cabl~s, wherc they lie at Anchor, mal Ships about the fame lce-fieJd, but they ather chofe to be alone, becaufe thcy are an indrance to one anorher in 1-Vha/e-carching .. nd che hunting of them from one co another ake1h them iliie. Among{c rhe Ice we find no great Waves, ut ir is prctty fmooth, cven when it is fome– har flormy. Ali the danger is from one fce– tld liC'inR bir.ger then the other ~ and the iu:c onfs fwirning fafier rhan the great ones, hkh ofteu caufeth a ftopp~ge, fo that the)· owd upon one another, not without great Jnger of the Ships, which are often catcht tween, and broken by rhem. See the PJate B t 4, Tht Seamen hinder the preffing on of the Ice muchas in them lieth, with great lce-hooks; t what fmaJl help this atfordeth them daily xperience teftifies fufficientl y. ~n fair weather . ~e